FOI request (FOIR-411861163)
Health and Safety Request
Requested Wed 30 March 2022
Responded Thu 23 June 2022- How is the Health and Safety function delivered at your Council?
- Delivered in house
- Outsourced to a private provider
- Outsourced to another Local Authority
- As a joint service with another authority
- Other (please specify)
- What is the total costs to the Council for the Health and Safety service?
- Total number of employees at the authority
- Number of employees in Health and Safety and how many are full-time and part-time.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - Delivered in house
Q2 - As no time frame was stated we have provided the last full financial year 2021-22 - Total spend - £23,761.67
Q3 - 318
Q4 - 1 part time (please note this a dedicated Health and Safety professional, they are assisted by the HR team and respective managers in this area)
- How is the Health and Safety function delivered at your Council?
Freedom of Information
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