FOI request (FOIR-328933288)
Arrangements for postal voting by under 21s
Requested Sat 24 April 2021
Responded Fri 30 April 2021Postal voting statements for the election on 06/05/2021 pre-filled the first two digits of the year in the date of birth field with '19'. Please supply:
1. Whether any form prefilled in this way was supplied to a voter with a date of birth on or after 01/01/2020, and the number of such individuals if greater than 5.
2. If at least one such form was sent, what arrangements were made to avoid disenfranchising these individuals.
Electors will receive the correct prefix for their year of birth. The date of birth year prefix field on postal vote statements are pre-filled according to the elector's date of birth (that is, 19 or 20).
Freedom of Information
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