FOI request (FOIR-300073698)
Byelaws relating to UAV Flights
Requested Mon 25 January 2021
Responded Wed 10 March 2021Can you please advise if you have any byelaws relating to the use off UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) from your land, and if so can you please either provide a copy or the link to their location on a website.
If you do not have any byelaws, do you have any other policies relating to the use of UAVs on your land?
Can you finally advise if these have been reviewed in relation to CAP722C ( https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/modalapplication.aspx?appid=11&mode=detail&id=9891) published by the Civil Aviation Authority in December 2020.
Hastings Borough Council does not have any byelaws that relate to the use of UAVs, however the new Nature Reserve Byelaw mentions the prohibiting of 'flying any powered model aircraft' which we imagine could be classed as a UAV.
This information is available on our website via the following link:
The current pleasure ground byelaws are attached which maybe of interest, Section 15 applies. These are being superseded but we have not proceeded to consultation or have any approvals for the draft new byelaws.
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