FOI request (FOIR-298606500)
Workplace COVID-19 violations
Requested Thu 21 January 2021
Responded Fri 29 January 20211a. How many complaints have you received of alleged workplace COVID-19 violations between 23/03/2020 to 20/01/2021?
1b. How many of these involved asking employees to attend the office/workplace when they claim they can reasonably work from home between 23/03/2020 to 20/01/2021?
Please provide a breakdown of complaints for 1a for each month from March 2020 to January 2021. For example, 'Nov 2020: 21 complaints'
Please provide a breakdown of complaints for 1b for each month from March 2020 to January 2021. For example, 'Nov 2020: 21 complaints'
2. Please provide specific details of the types of complaints you have received. If you have multiple complaints please provide as many as you possibly can.
3. How many complaints have resulted in further action in this time frame (March 2020 to January 2021).
Please provide a breakdown of complaints for 1a that have resulted in further action for each month from March 2020 to January 2021. For example, 'Nov 2020: 21 complaints'
Please provide a breakdown of complaints for 1b that have resulted in further action for each month from March 2020 to January 2021. For example, 'Nov 2020: 21 complaints'
4. What further action has been taken? For example, have any businesses been fined or closed down as a result of the breach?
The following information are results of complaints made by employees concerned about their place of work, not complaints from members of the public made about businesses.
1a. 8
1b. 0
1a breakdown:
March 2020 - 2
October 2020 - 1
January 2021 - 5
1b breakdown:
Not Applicable
2. PPE not available to staff, Concerns over cleaning/hygiene, Concerns over time off due to track and trace notifications
3. All complaints received a follow up visit to check COVID-19 guidelines in place and advice offered
4. Not Applicable
Freedom of Information
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