FOI request (FOIR-287078691)
Building control staff reductions
Requested Wed 23 December 2020
Responded Fri 22 January 20211. The number of FTE building control inspectors employed by your local authority at the date of this FOI (or as close as records allow)
2. The number of FTE building control inspectors employed by your local authority on 1 January 2010 (or as close as records allow)
3. The annual cost to your authority of building control staff salaries for the most recent financial year
4. The annual cost to your authority of building control staff salaries for the financial year 2010/11
1) Hastings Borough Council do not directly employ any Building Control staff, we have a partnering arrangement 'East Sussex Building Control Partnership' provided by Wealden District Council .
2) This question pre-dates the partnership.
3) See answer to number (1).
4) Again, this question pre-dates the partnership.
Further information regarding building control can be found on our website: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/buildingcontrol/
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