FOI request (FOIR-281400735)
Requested Tue 08 December 2020
Responded Wed 10 March 2021Subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information in relation to the Local Authority and parking operations/contracts.
1. Do you currently manage your car parking in house or do you contract to a third party?
2. If you do employ a parking operator to manage your parking services, who is your current parking provider?
3. Do you or the third party manage parking services for both on and off-street parking?
4. What is the exact date your current contract(s) terminate?
5. Does the Local Authority receive the income generated from the parking and notice charges or does the income go to a third party?
6. Please confirm the revenue amount generated from the third-party provider if there is one?
7. What are the key challenges that the Local Authority face with regards to the parking provision?
8. Can you confirm the expenditure on maintenance for the car park equipment by year over the last three years?
9. Overall what was the profit generated by the Local Authority after the cost of maintaining and staffing the car park by year for the last three years?
10. How many spaces are there? Please break down by location.
11. Do you have a pay by phone option? If so, who?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
1. In house
2. No
3. Off Street
4. Not applicable
5. Not applicable
6. Not applicable
7. The biggest challenge is balancing the demands for the different users of our car parks which include residents, visitors and local businesses who need different support but parking should be convenient, safe and secure. There is a financial challenge to raise the income needed to provide this service and maintain the car parks and infrastructure which embraces modern technology from new payment methods to LED lighting projects. Other additional challenges include the importance of transition to low carbon transport with the need of an electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the current unprecedented times have been a huge challenge to the industry.
2018/19 - £65,265
2019/20 - £53,597
2020/21 - £79,422
2018/19 - £2,318,320
2019/20 - £2,517,670
2020/21 - £1,048,416
The above figures are based on deducting maintenance and staff costs and not other costs such as insurance, business rates, utilities, cash collection, and so on.
10. We have 2162 off street parking spaces (this includes disabled bays, permit only bays, motorcycle bays, electric bays and pay and display bays).
11. Yes, with Park Now Ltd (RingGo)
Car park (off street) Bays
Carlisle Parade - 170
Castle Hill Road - 81
Cornwallis Street - 71
Crystal Square - 30
Falaise Hall - 35
Falaise Road - 53
Grand Parade Residents - 118
Grosvenor Gardens - 8
High Street Residents - 17
Horntye Car Park - 50
Marina - 97
Pelham Place - 270
Priory Street - 463
Rock a Nore - 450
Russell Street - 9
St Margarets Road - 40
Summerfields - 101
The Bourne - 29
The Bourne Residents - 28
The Pier - 40
The Stade - 2
Total 2162
Freedom of Information
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