FOI request (FOIR-219015616)
Invoice Payment Performance 18/19 and 19/20
Requested Fri 19 June 2020
Responded Wed 15 July 2020I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following from your finance systems and Accounts Payable department:
Invoice payment performance data for financial years 18/19 and 19/20:
1. How many invoices were paid late (actual number rather than percentage) and what is the total value of invoices paid late?
2. Is this split out by sector / category or can you identify SME suppliers that have been paid late? If so, what are the volumes values?
3. How many claims have you processed for late payment of invoices? How many claims were successful and how many were rejected (and for what reason)? (Volumes and values of claims)
4. Do you have a documented process for late payment claims? If so, is this published and can it be shared? In the absence of a process, where should late payment claims be submitted?
I am aware that many councils may publish a summary of their payment performance as required by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. I am seeking the transaction detail that sits behind this.
This information should be readily available from your finance systems but if there are any difficulties in producing or sending the data please advise and I will provide any assistance necessary.
Hastings Borough Council does not maintain any records on the requested information.
Providing an invoice has been authorised by the relevant officer/department then all invoices are paid within a week (Payment runs every Tuesday and Thursday).
Freedom of Information
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