FOI request (FOIR-193664885)
Complaint to DEFRA
Requested Wed 08 April 2020
Responded Thu 16 April 2020Further to my request in the light of the information provided could I please have:
1. Copies of any responses to the complaint HBC received from DEFRA (apart from the auto response 21/01/2019 already provided)
2. The date(s) of any responses from DEFRA
3. Copies of any further correspondence from HBC to DEFRA on this issue
4. The date(s) of any further correspondence with DEFRA on this issue
Previous request:
The Cabinet briefing document refers to a complaint made in 2019 to DEFRA because of the delays in dealing with the byelaws.
"10. The council, through the Chief Legal Officer, lodged an official complaint in 2019 to DEFRA over the unacceptable delay."
https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s37679/Local Nature Reserves - Byelaws.pdf
I recently requested details of this complaint from DEFRA using EIR:
"Copies of the complaint lodged by HBC and all associated correspondence"
DEFRA have responded that they hold no information concerning this complaint from HBC.
We did not have a formal response from DEFRA following our online complaint, however, they did respond without further delay by getting on with the initial approval.
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