FOI request (FOIR-187933263)
Breastfeeding support
Requested Thu 26 March 2020
Responded Thu 02 April 20201. Did the council commission a breastfeeding support service (including peer support) in the years 2014-2019? If so, please supply details, including budget (per year) and number of service users accessing the service for each of the years 2014-2019. Please attach a copy of the most recent service specification.
2. If breastfeeding support was not directly commissioned, did the council provide funding for breastfeeding support in the years 2014-2019. If so who provided the service (eg health visiting /midwifery) and please supply details, including budget (per year) and number of service users accessing the service for each of the years 2014-2019.
3. If the council did not commission a breastfeeding support service, did it fund breastfeeding support from lay breastfeeding supporters (non-health professionals), for example from professional breastfeeding counsellors, in the years 2014-2019? Please supply details, including budget (per year) and number of service users accessing the service for each of the years 2014-2019.
It is not clear whether this question refers to breast feeding support for employees or for the public. We do not have a support service for staff but would offer support on an individual basis if requested.
Hastings Borough Council holds no further information on Breastfeeding Support.
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