FOI request (FOIR-183030350)
Planning - Residential Development
Requested Thu 12 March 2020
Responded Thu 07 May 2020As planning consultants, we are considering bringing a site forward for residential development and I have been directed to request information on whether the council as local planning authority is currently able to demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites (with the appropriate buffer, as set out in paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework).
In this regard, would you please be kind enough to assist me by providing the following information at your earliest convenience:
1) For purposes of decision-taking (determining planning applications), is the Authority currently able to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites (with the appropriate buffer, as set out in paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework?
2) What is the level (expressed in years) of the council’s current supply of deliverable housing sites?
3) What is the appropriate buffer applicable to the council’s supply?
4) Has a Planning Inspector or Inspectors confirmed, rejected or determined the current position referred to in Questions 1 and 2 in determining any appeals?
5) If so, would you please be kind enough to provide the appeal reference number(s)?
6) When is the authority’s new local development plan anticipated to be ready to be adopted?
1. No - we are not currently meeting our 5-year supply requirement
2. This figure would normally be set out in our Local Plan Monitoring Report published between January & March each year. This report has been delayed owing to the emergency situation. And reliably calculating this figure is now hampered by the immediate impact of the Pandemic on the construction sector.
3. 20%
4. No
5. N/A
6. The latest Local Development Plan - updated and published prior to the Covid-19 crisis sets out an adoption date of 2021. This is subject to review in light of the current situation.
Freedom of Information
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