FOI request (FOIR-178092400)
Current and historical Registers of Interest data
Requested Wed 26 February 2020
Responded Fri 24 April 2020I would like to receive a copy of the complete current local authority Register of Interest for all elected politicians in a machine-readable spreadsheet format such as a CSV file, including any additional information that may not be published on your website.
If you hold records relating to historical registers of interest for current and former elected politicians I would be grateful if you could also supply them.
I would also like to receive a copy of the complete current local authority Gifts and Hospitality Registers for all elected politicians in a machine-readable spreadsheet format, including any data that may not be published on your website.
If you hold historical records of gifts or hospitality received for current and former elected politicians I would be grateful if you could also supply them.
Lastly, if you hold a separate register of interests that records those declared at meetings, please also supply that register in a machine-readable spreadsheet format. Again, if you hold historical records of declarations that may not be published on your website, please supply details.
I would prefer not to receive the requested information in pdf format files.
If the requested information is published as open data, please could you supply the location where this data can be found.
Information in respect of Register on Interests relating to Councillors is available to view on our website via the following link:
Click on the Councillors profile then select 'Register of Interests'
We do hold paper copies of historical register of interests however, due to the Coronavirus pandemic officers are homeworking therefore are unable to provide these at present. Once we have returned I can arrange for these to be viewed?
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in relation to gifts and hospitality for Councillors.
All declarations are publically minuted for each meeting. You will find minutes for meetings on our website. The following link will take you to our main meeting page. From here you will be able to navigate to individual meetings and search the minutes. https://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieDocHome.aspx?bcr=1
Freedom of Information
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