FOI request (FOIR-175855870)
Asset of Community Value - Compensation Claims
Requested Tue 18 February 2020
Responded Fri 13 March 2020Under the Localism Act 2011, the council is required to maintain a list of Assets of Community Value which have been successfully and unsuccessfully nominated since the act came into force in September 2012.
For all Asset of Community Value (Community Right to Bid) nominations the council has received since 2012 I request the following information:
For each property where a compensation claim has been filed against the council as is the owners right under The Localism Act 2011, Part 5, Chapter 3, Section 99. I request a copy of all documents associated with that claim (initial claim documents and if applicable internal review and first tier tribunal documents) including but not limited to the following points :
- The result of the compensation claim
- A copy of all documents submitted with the claim by the owner
- A copy of any additional documents the council considered in deciding the claim
- A copy of the council's decision letter to the property owner
- If the owner requested an internal review of the compensation claim - A copy of all associated documents
- If the owner requested an independent review to the first tier tribunal - A copy of all associated documents
Hastings Borough Council has received no claims for compensation in respect of Assets of Community Value.
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