FOI request (FOIR-174093272)
Requested Tue 11 February 2020
Responded Mon 23 March 2020I would like to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (2000).
With your help, we plan to piece together an accurate map of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) across the UK, allowing dog walkers to better understand the restrictions that are in place on a national level.
The PSPOs relating to dogs could be:
- Fouling of Land by Dogs Order
- Means to Pick Up
- Dog Exclusion Order
- Dog Exclusion Order and Beaches
- Dog Exclusion and Sport Pitches
- Dogs on Leads Order
- Dogs on Lead by Direction Order
- Taking more than a specified number of dogs onto a land Order
There may be other PSPOs in place involving dogs that we are not aware of and would like information of in this request if they are currently in place within your council.
With this in mind, could you please provide me with this information by filling in the table on the attached document?
In the 1st column, please list all the PSPOs relating to dog ownership that your council currently have in place. Please add a new row for each separate PSPO. If no PSPOs relating to dog ownership are in place in your council, please write 'None' in column 1, and return in form to us.
In the 2nd column, please list the locations and nearest postcodes of the areas where PSPOs are in place.
In the 3rd column, please state what date this PSPO came into force.
In the 4th column, please state how many fixed penalty notice fines have been issued to dog owners for violating this order since it was implemented.
In the 5th column, please state any evidence you have seen that the PSPO has had an impact on the issue it was put in place to address (for example: if the PSPO was put in place to reduce dog fouling, has there been a reduction in the number of complaints about dog fouling?)
Further to this request, we would be interested in discussing PSPOs that your council currently have or do not have in place. In the 2nd table, please check the box if you would be happy for us to contact the most appropriate person at the council for further information.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
The dog related PSPO orders can be seen on the following link: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/community-safety/pspo/
This includes maps of the areas affected. These orders can into affect on 12 June 2017, this answers questions 1, 2 and 3.
Q4. From 12 June 2017 to date (17 March 20) we have issued 113 FPNs for dog offences under these orders.
Q5. Information not held.
Freedom of Information
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