FOI request (FOIR-170460239)
Requested Mon 27 January 2020
Responded Thu 13 February 2020I would be interested to understand the following please, which doesn't appear to be detailed within your published TM Strategy.
Please can you provide me with the following info:
1. a list of all existing and outstanding borrowing, identifying for each:
· the source (PWLB, LOBO, other Local Authority etc),
· the type (annuity, maturity, EIP etc),
· the maturity date,
· the interest rate and
· whether the rate is fixed or variable.
2. the extent (if any) to which the Authority has lent to any wholly owned companies, identifying:
· the name of the beneficiary,
· the loan type (annuity, maturity, EIP etc),
· the maturity date,
· the interest rate and again
· whether the rate is fixed or variable of each.
3 the name of the officer responsible for Treasury Management borrowing decisions.
If the info could be provided in MS Excel or CSV format, it would be greatly appreciated.
Q1 & 2 - This information is available on our website via the following link: https://hastingsintranet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s37835/2.%20Treasury%20Managment%20Strategy%202020-21%20-%20Cabinet%2010%20Feb%202020%20as%20at%2030%20Jan%202020.pdf
Q3 - Peter Grace, Assistant Director Financial Services and Revenues
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