FOI request (FOIR-169663743)
Local Authority Peat Usage
Requested Thu 23 January 2020
Responded Fri 31 January 2020We at CPRE, the countryside charity, are carrying out research into the use of peat in horticultural practices, due to peat being an important carbon sink in the United Kingdom. As part of this we would like to ask some qualitative questions, as well as requesting relevant information that you may have, on your local authority's horticultural practices and any associated peat usage (under the Freedom of Information Act 2000).
We may use this information to help illustrate national peat usage, and as part of our campaign to reduce peat consumption due to its associated effects on climate change.
As above, the following questions relate to your local authority's use of peat in its horticultural practices.
1a) Does your local authority use peat in its horticultural practices? e.g. planting.
1b) If so, and if you are able to quantify, how much peat do you use a month (cubic metres)?
1c) Do you use peat raw, as part of a mixed compost, or in another way?
2a) Are any peat-free alternatives used instead?
2b) If so, which ones, and in what quantities?
3a) Have any efforts been made to reduce the amount of peat used?
3b) If so, has this been a result of governmental policy/pressure, or other reasons? If other, please specify.
4) If possible, please provide any figures on your historic peat use, for comparison. If this is outsourced, any available details would be appreciated.
5) Are there any plans to reduce future peat usage?
6) What could be done to support you in a transition to peat-free growing media?
Hastings Borough Council does not hold the requested information, please contact our grounds maintenance contractors, Idverde, on 01424 729384.
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