FOI request (FOIR-157626659)
Self build register
Requested Tue 19 November 2019
Responded Fri 03 January 20201. Number of people on the self build register for each year since 2016
2. How many serviced plots the council have granted since 30th October 2016
3. How many affordable dwellings the council currently need to meet demand.
4. Housing completion numbers from 2016 onwards
Q1 - Numbers on the self-build register by year:
2016 = 13
2017 = 29
2018 = 13
2019 = 29
Total = 84
Q2 - Plots granted
31/10/16 - 30/10/17: 9 permissions for 15 dwellings
31/10/17 - 30/10/18: 14 permissions for 15 dwellings
31/10/18 - 30/10/19: information not yet available
Q3 - Research on future housing need including affordable housing need, is currently underway and will be published during 2020 as part of the Local Plan update process.
Q4 - Annual housing completion figures are published in the Local Plan Monitoring Report. This was last published in January 2019 and an update report will be published in January 2020. Table 2 of the latest available report provides in formation on completions.
See https://www.hastings.gov.uk/content/planning/planning_policy/latest_news_consultations/467751/Final_LPMR_2019_incl_appx.pdf
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