FOI request (FOIR-150810567)
Coffey Reports - References 02255AD and 02255AF
Requested Wed 16 October 2019
Responded Thu 14 November 2019Coffey have produced reports for HBC using a reference number of 02255Ax
I am aware that
02255AA is Coffey 1 from May 2014
02255AB is Coffey 2 from Jan 2016
02255AC is Coffey Geotechnical review provided with application 1036
02255AE is Footpath options report 2016
02255AG is Interim report November 2017
02255AH is the Inspection report May 2019
There are clearly other reports with the reference numbers 02255AD and 02255F.
Please supply me under EIR with the following for the reports with reference numbers 02255AD and 02255F.
1. The title, date, author and description of the report
2. A full copy of the report
02255AD - This reference relates to a report named 'Proposal for Investigation and Assessment' dated 23 June 2015. This report has previously been refused and is currently awaiting a decision from the Information Commissioner.02255F - This reference should read 02255AF and is a letter to the council regarding the license of Rocklands Caravan Park.NOTICE OF REFUSALUnder Environmental Information Regulations the letter ref: 02255AF is being refused under Exception 12(5)(b) ‘The course of justice and inquiries’.The course of justice has a wide meaning which includes material covered by Legal Professional Privilege. Legal Professional Privilege (LPP) exists to ensure complete fairness in legal proceedings. LLP protects advice given by a lawyer to a client and confidential communications between them about that advice.This exception is subject to a Public Interest Test. This means that a public authority can refuse to disclose information under these exceptions if in all the circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.Factors for disclosure:- Transparency and accountabilityFactors against disclosure:- Maintaining commercial confidences- Correspondence contains confidential information- The significance and sensitivity of the information- Consideration and options and the exchange of views within a 'safe space'- Maintaining the confidentiality of discussions in the interest of good governance and the perceived threat to candour and boldness in the giving of advice- The caravan site license is a private matter between the local authority and owners of Rocklands Caravan Park
Freedom of Information
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