FOI request (FOIR-135938460)
Tree Preservation Order No 38
Requested Wed 07 August 2019
Responded Tue 10 September 2019As you are the Information Officer please supply me with the following Details.
1. A plan of the number 38 Tree Preservation Order.
2. When was this Tree Preservation Order agreed by the Council, dated etc?
3. How often has the location been inspected?
4. How many convictions Has the Tree Specialist Mr Wilkins raised in the last ten years.
5. The most important point I wish to know is when was the number 38 Tree Preservation Order brought into effect and its exact locations/plan.
I am well aware that it is recorded so you will have no difficulty in finding the details I have asked for.
1. This is available on our website https://www.hastings.gov.uk/content/planning/planning_advice/info_advice/pdfs/tpo/tpo38_plan.pdf
2. This information is contained within the scanned image of TPO 38 which is available on our website https://www.hastings.gov.uk/content/planning/planning_advice/info_advice/pdfs/tpo/TPO_38.pdf
3. We do not believe that we could determine that fully within planning as TPO 38 covers a very wide area. We have searched the Enforcement module for EN / ENF cases which have 38 within the complaint description there is only 1 which refers to TPO 38 and it is an Enforcement enquiry. We have also checked the GIS for plotted Enforcement Notices which intersect with TPO 38 and there are 7 EN cases that intersect, however none of these specify TPO 38 as the reason for being served.
4. Same as answer to 3
5. See points 1 and 2
Freedom of Information
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