FOI request (FOIR-135398476)
ENF/19/00065 Warren Cottage
Requested Mon 05 August 2019
Responded Thu 15 August 2019Current planning application form refers to enforcement action taken with the reference ENF/19/00065 at Warren Cottage in Hastings Country Park.
Could you please supply me under EIR with:
1. A copy of the enforcement notice(s) issued.
2. A copy of any Planning Control Notice(s) issued.
3. Copies of all correspondence (in any form) relating to enforcement action between HBC and the applicant/applicants agents.
4. Copies of all correspondence (in any form) relating to enforcement action between HBC officers.
Reference ENF/19/00065 is the reference number for an enforcement complaint regarding the erection of outbuildings and works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order. No formal enforcement action has been taken.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in respect of this request.
Freedom of Information
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