FOI request (FOIR-122852309)
Requested Wed 05 June 2019
Responded Mon 01 July 20191. What procurement system do you use? And is this also where you publish tenders?
2. Do you publish tenders anywhere else, if so where? For example, your website, Contracts Finder etc.
3. How much do you pay per annum for your procurement software?
4. What are the contract start and end dates with the provider and when will the next tender become available?
5. How long have you used this software for in total?
6. What are the purchasing rules of your organisation? For example - £0-£10,000 (3 quotes), £10,000+ public notification etc.
1. Hastings Borough Council belongs to a procurement hub managed by Wealden District Council. The system they use to publish our tenders is In-tend (www.in-tend.co.uk) through the South East Shared Services portal https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sesharedservices/aspx/home.
2. All tenders greater than £25,000 are also published on Contracts Finder and specifically advertised on Contracts Finder if greater than £50,000.
3. The procurement hub pays for the portal and we pay the procurement hub an all inclusive fee. I am therefore sorry we are unable to tell you what the cost of using In-tend is.
4. The procurement hub manages the agreement with In-tend and so again, we are sorry but we don't have those contract dates to provide you with.
5. Approximately 4 years.
6. For contracts; up to £5,000 we require the purchasing officer to demonstrate best value although a minimum of 1 written quote with explanation is acceptable or use of a suitable framework. Between £5,000 and £50,000 a minimum of 3 written quotes is required or use of a suitable framework. Between £50,000 and the EU threshold for supplies and services, tendering procedures apply and a minimum of 3 tenders should be evaluated. Such opportunities must go to Public Notice and/or advertised on Contracts Finder. Greater than the EU threshold for supplies and services the EU compliant tender procedure is followed or suitable framework. A minimum of 3 tenders should be evaluated. These opportunities are advertised on OJEU (with the exception of works contracts under the EU threshold for works) and Contracts Finder. Purchasing officers must be able to demonstrate best value or that they have selected the most economic advantageous tender regardless of the size of the contract.
Freedom of Information
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