FOI request (FOIR-113339831)
Local Plan Update
Requested Wed 10 April 2019
Responded Tue 04 June 2019Under the freedom of information act we would like to request the following information.
1. Please could you confirm when you local plan or strategic housing land availability assessment was last updated ?
2. Please can you confirm when you will next update your local plan ?
3. Please can you provide a link to your local plan ?
Q1 - The Hastings Planning Strategy was adopted in February 2014 and the Hastings Development Management Plan adopted September 2015. Information about our adopted Local Plan documents can be found here: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/adoptedlocalplan/ The SHLAA was created in 2010, reviewed in 2011 and again in 2014 – details can be found on https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/adoptedlocalplan/supportingdocs_evidencebase/evidencebasedocuments/shlaa/
Q2 - The Local Plan Review is underway, more information is available on our website: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/emergingpolicy_guidance/localdevelopmentscheme/ https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/emergingpolicy_guidance/
Q3 - Interactive versions of the Hastings Planning Strategy and Development Management Plan can be found here: http://www.planvu.co.uk/hbc2015/contents_written.htm alternatively downloadable print versions can be downloaded from https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/adoptedlocalplan/strategy/ and https://www.hastings.gov.uk/planning/policy/adoptedlocalplan/dmp/
Freedom of Information
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