FOI request (FOIR-104300080)
GIS Dataset
Requested Thu 31 January 2019
Responded Mon 11 February 2019Would it be possible for you to send me any GIS data you hold on the following:
Conservation Areas
Local Wildlife Sites
Local Nature Reserves
Landscape Character Areas
District Boundaries
Public Rights of Way
And any other areas of designated green space or landscape value.
The data will be used as part of some desktop environmental assessment work we are undertaking in the district.
I would prefer shapefiles if possible.
Conservation Areas - These are published by Historic England Local Wildlife Sites - these are available on data.gov.uk - https://data.gov.uk/dataset/6d448e6f-949e-4adc-83b0-c4a36c16419a/local-wildlife-sites
Local Nature Reserves - these are published by Natural England Landscape Character Areas - Hastings Borough Council do not hold any GIS data for this. It is possible that East Sussex County Council (www.eastsussex.gov.uk) may hold some information.
District Boundaries - these are published by Ordnance Survey
Public Rights of Way - these are held by East Sussex County Council.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) - these are available on data.gov.uk - https://data.gov.uk/dataset/52e3e846-e139-4b6d-8f79-5c6f1fc8015a/tree-preservation-orders
Any other areas of designated green space or landscape value. - National/International designations are published by Natural England.
Any land designated as green space within the Hastings Local Plan is available on data.gov.uk - https://data.gov.uk/dataset/f3b38f71-3aff-4fe0-b812-f834cd45a9c8/hastings-local-plan-the-hastings-planning-strategy-and-development-management-plan
Freedom of Information
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