FOI request (FOIR-104117370)
Public Spaces Protection Orders
Requested Wed 30 January 2019
Responded Tue 07 May 20191. Whether you have introduced any Public Spaces Protection Orders since June 2017. If so, please include the text of these PSPOs. Please state whether you have plans to introduce a PSPO in the near future.
2. Please provide the number of fines and prosecutions issued for the offence of violation of a PSPO, in the year 2018. Please if possible give the offences for which the fines/prosecutions were issued. If you have used dispersal powers contained in a PSPO, please include any statistics on how these powers have been used.
3. Please provide the number of CPNs issued in the years: November 2016 - October 2017, November 2017- October 2018
4. Please where possible provide the text/subject of these CPNs.
5. Please provide the number of fines issued by your authority for the offence of littering in the year 2018.
6. Please state whether you contract a private company for the issuing of fines for PSPOs or littering. If so, please state the company and the contract arrangements.
7. Please give the number of fines/warnings issued for fly posting in 2018, and whether any of these have been issued to political/charitable/religious/community groups.
1. Since June 2017 Hastings Borough Council (HBC) adopted two Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) orders, the details and wording of which can be seen on https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_community/community_safety/pspo/
2. In the calendar year 2018 the following FPNs were issued under the PSPOs:
Dog off lead - 22
Dog Fouling - 8
Drinking Alcohol in non designated area - 1
Aggressive Begging - 2
No dispersal powers by HBC were issued under PSPOs
November 2016 - October 2017 - 2
November 2017 - October 2018 - 12
4. Please see attachments for CPN templates similar to those used in 2018
31 FPNs issued by HBC own officers
871 FPNs issued by contracted officers
6. HBC no longer contracts out this type of service. A 12 month pilot ended in July 2018 in which enforcement of littering and dog fouling only was contracted out to Kingdom Services Ltd.
7. None
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