FOI request (FOIR-102452425)
Listed building consent
Requested Mon 14 January 2019
Responded Tue 26 February 2019(1) The number of listed building consent applications that were made to Hastings Borough Council during the financial years 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and the current 2018/19 tax year up to the present date.
(2) The number of listed building consent applications that were granted by Hastings Borough Council during the same period.
(3) The number of listed building consent applications that were rejected by Hastings Borough Council during the same period.
(4) The number of listed building consent applications that were rejected by Hastings Borough Council during this period that were subsequently appealed to the Planning Inspectorate and granted consent as a result of that appeal.
(5) The number of listed building consent applications made to Hastings Borough Council during this period that were appealed to the Planning Inspectorate as a result of not receiving an answer from Hastings Borough Council within the required eight week period after application.
(6) The number of listed building consent applications that were made under delegated powers by Hastings Borough Council in each year of the previously mentioned period.
(7) The number of conservation officers employed by Hastings Borough Council as well as the number of ancillary staff and the budget allocated to the process of listed building consent in each year of this period.
(8) The number of enforcement notices issued by Hastings Borough Council regarding listed buildings in each year of the same period.
(9) If any of the above information is not presently held by Hastings Borough Council; is such information held by any other local or central government organisation, and if so which body?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have installed a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Q1 - 6 and 8 can be found by searching listed building applications on public access http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/Q8 - 2 Conservation Officers employed, we do not allocate separate budgets for listed building consent therefore information not heldQ9 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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