FOI request (FOI229025)
Suppliers and contractors
Requested Thu 04 January 2018
Responded Thu 04 January 2018I do formally request a list of the councils suppliers and contractors , under the freedom of information act. I would like to know the names and details of any organization/business that the council uses to carry out work on a regular basis.
I would also like to invite someone from the housing department to take part in an interview to go within our leading construction magazine C I N, this would be the main feature in our housing section, giving you exposure to our 80,000 professional readers across the UK an NI, at no cost to yourselves.
Hastings Borough Council is part of the East Sussex Procurement Hub which administers the procurement of our significant contracts. Our contract register can be found by going to the following link http://www.wealden.gov.uk/Wealden/Business/Tenders_and_Procurement/EastSussexProcurementHub/Procurement_ESPH.aspx and tabbing down to the bottom of the page where it says Contracts Register. On opening the Excel document, select the Hastings tab for Hastings Borough Council contracts. In addition to the East Sussex Procurement Hub, we keep locally a record of our significant contracts (please find attached).Attachments
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