FOI request (FOI226099)
Rough Sleepers
Requested Thu 02 November 2017
Responded Thu 02 November 2017With regard to FoI. I would be grateful if Hastings Borough Council would let me have the following information in writing:
1. What are the regulations governing Local Connection status for rough sleepers in this borough? I would be grateful for a comprehensive statement of the law on this and the following points.
2. On what grounds may Local Connection status be removed?
3. On what grounds may Local Connection status be awarded once more?
Please supply copies of the applicable regulations.
1. Local connection is defined in s199 of the Housing Act 1996 Part VII (as amended) and the Homelessness Code of Guidance 2006 which refers to local connection as: • Having resided in the Hastings area for 6 out of 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years in a settled address • Being employed in the Hastings area • Family associations • Special circumstances The above criteria is applied for rough sleepers; we would try to find out more information surrounding their address history, but they are still entitled to housing advice regardless (s179 of the aforementioned Act). If a rough sleeper is deemed to have no connection anywhere (for example if they have not had any settled accommodation) then the local connection sits with the local authority they approach for housing assistance. A discretionary local connection could also be considered in special circumstances where a client may have a local connection somewhere else; however this would be looked at on a case by case basis. 2. If the above criteria no longer apply e.g. if a person moves out of the area and loses their residency connection. 3. If the person meets the above criteria. Please note that discretionary local connection may be awarded in exceptional circumstances and these cases will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Regulations: Housing Act 1996 Part VII (as amended) (s179 and S199) - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/52/part/VII Homelessness Code of Guidance 2006 - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-councils-july-2006
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