FOI request (FOI226013)
Parking Fine Notices
Requested Thu 30 November 2017
Responded Thu 30 November 2017Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to enquire the following information around the distribution of Parking Charge Notices.
I would like to request:
1. The number of Parking Charge Notices the Council has issued over the last 3 months (July 2017 - September 2017)
2. The revenue from the Parking Charge Notices issued by the Council over the last 3 months (July 2017 - September 2017)
3. The location i.e. street or car park where Parking Charge Notices have been issued the most by the Council over the last 3 months (July 2017 - September 2017)
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
Q1 - Hastings Borough Council have issued 1051 for off street (car parks only). East Sussex County Council enforce on-street, please visit their website for further information regarding on-street parking: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
The totals we have provided above are for penalty charge notices (PCN's). We only issue parking charge notices in the Country Park so of the 1051 total 8 were for parking charge notices and of the 8, 4 paid at £25.
Q2 - Hastings Borough Council do not have all the information to answer this question accurately. There is a time delay from the date of issue to the payment and the payments can be made at a higher or lower rate depending on the time taken to pay. The detail in the financial system does not tell us the date of issue and payments are recorded in the month they come in with an estimated accrual at year end for those that cross the financial years. The total PCN's collected from July to September was £22,900.35 though this will include some of June and possibly May income and not include all of Septembers income which will be collected in future monthsQ3 -
Bourne car park – 54
Carlisle car park – 38
Castle Hill car park – 22
Cornwallis Street Car Park – 37
Country Park car parks – 8
Crystal Square car park – 11
Falaise Hall car park – 15
Grosvenor Gardens car park – 1
Horntye car park – 29
Marina car park – 84
Priory Street car park – 111
Pier car park – 16
Pelham Place car park – 281
Rock a Nore car park – 259
Stade Open Space – 3
St Margarets Road car park – 10
Summerfields car park - 72
Freedom of Information
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