FOI request (FOI225259)
Dangerous Wild Animals
Requested Fri 06 October 2017
Responded Fri 06 October 20171. How many licences have been granted for a Licence to keep Dangerous Wild Animals in each of the following years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (in financial or calendar years, however this information is held)?
1 a): how many people currently have a valid licence to keep dangerous wild animals?
2. Please can you provide a breakdown as to what dangerous wild animals were included in the granting of the licence in those same years requested in question 1.
3. If possible, please could you provide how many licences have been revoked in those same years as requested in question 1 and the reasons given?
Q1 - Hastings Borough Council have not granted any licences to keep Dangerous Wild Animals in any of the years listed.
Q2 - 3 - N/A
Freedom of Information
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