FOI request (FOI224574)
Parking - Taxi Rank
Requested Fri 06 October 2017
Responded Fri 06 October 2017All information and requests received in all departments from the public for a designated taxi rank in Silverhill area.
The request for a taxi rank in Silverhill came from the trade at a taxi/council meeting in 2016 and was one of a series of suggestions made by the trade. The feeling of the trade was that only the centre of Hastings was properly served by taxi ranks, some heavily used areas having no such facility. The borough was surveyed by the trade and Council representative and a formal request sent to East Sussex County Council (ESCC) for consideration. (Ranks are the responsibility of the Highway authority - ESCC).
Please see attached correspondence - please note that names and email addresses etc have been removed as this is exempt information under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 'personal data'. This is an absolute exemption and will not be provided.
Freedom of Information
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