FOI request (FOI223414)
off-street car parking provision
Requested Wed 18 October 2017
Responded Wed 18 October 2017In accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, I would like to make a formal request for the information set out below in relation to off-street car parking provision in your local authority area (Hastings).
According to information published online by the Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) in its local authority revenue expenditure and financing section, Hastings Borough Council generated a total income of £1318,000 from off-street parking in 2015-16 (the most recent figures available on gov.uk).
Please provide the following information:
1. Is this an accurate figure of the total income generated from off-street car parking in 2015-16?
2. Is a 2016-17 equivalent figure now available, and if so, what is it (as DCLG have not yet published this specific data)?
3. How many car parking spaces are currently provided by the local authority to generate this annual income?
4. Does the local authority have any plans to increase its number of off-street car parking spaces, and if so, by how many?
5. If the local authority holds any information regarding the number of off-street car parking spaces provided in the local authority area by other providers (such as private car parking operators) please advise how many spaces are provided, and by which operator.
6. Are the local authority’s off-street car parking operations run entirely in-house, or are these subject to alternative arrangements, such as a management contract or a partnership agreement with the private sector or another local authority, and if so:
a. What are the current arrangements – i.e. a management contract, a partnership / joint venture or other (please specify);
b. who provides the service to / partners with the local authority; and
c. When is this contract / partnership scheduled to end?
7. Has the local authority given any consideration (and / or made any decision) in the past two years to explore alternative managerial and operational arrangements for its off-street car parking provision (such as private sector involvement) and if so, what?
8. Does the local authority have an up-to-date Parking Strategy? If so, please provide a weblink.
9. Please provide a weblink to your latest Annual Parking Report.
10. As the local authority will have set its budget for the current financial year (and its Medium Term Financial Strategy), has it agreed for 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20:
a. any savings to be delivered in the running costs of off-street car parking; and
b. any projected increase in income.
Please provide any figures of savings and income agreed for these years.
11. Likewise, has the local authority allocated any capital funding for expenditure on car parks during the next three years, or identified the need to allocate capital in due course? Please provide figures and details of proposed expenditure.
12. In particular, does the local authority have any plans (or ongoing considerations) about redeveloping, reconfiguring and / or consolidating its car park provision, including through the provision of additional or enhanced multi-storey car parks? If so, please advise details.
1. - Yes
2. - £1,536k
3. - 2151 spaces.
4. - Not at this time.
5. - Information not held
6. - In house
7. - Not at this time
8. - No
9. - Information not held
10a. - 2017-18 savings under review, no agreement yet on 2018-19 or 2019-20 as only just started budget setting process.
10b. - For 2017-18 we added £60k in volume increases and £91k in fees and charges increases when compared to 2016-17 budgets. This is under review per 10a.11. - Capital Funding of £70,000 for new machines and tariff boards in the current year.
12. - Not at this time.
Freedom of Information
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