FOI request (FOI219779)
Tree Works
Requested Fri 01 September 2017
Responded Fri 01 September 2017On which date did Hastings Borough Council alter their Constitution in order that, despite the number of objections logged, all requests for works to protected trees should be decided under Delegated powers and would no longer be decided under the auspices of the Planning Committee.
In the past it was custom and practice for any planning application receiving more than three objections to be heard by the Planning Committee.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.The Chief Legal Officer has advised that this matter has always been delegated to officers (contained in part 8 of the council's constitution, standing instructions to officers). The current tree preservation regulations came into effect in 2012, a delegation is included in the council's constitution at this time to the Head of Housing and Planning Services for "all consents under the Tree Preservation Order Regulations" at: http://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/CeListDocuments.aspx?CommitteeId=130&MeetingId=353&DF=05%2f03%2f2012&Ver=2The latest amendments to the constitution were agreed by Full council at its meeting on 26 July 2017 http://hastings.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=168&MId=2810&Ver=4 -
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