FOI request (FOI217923)
Requested Fri 28 July 2017
Responded Fri 28 July 2017QUESTION 1:
Please supply a list naming all the social housing in your area which is tall (over 18 metres tall or more than four storeys tall).
Of the buildings identified in Q1, please name ones that have been fitted with cladding containing “Reynobond PE”.
Of the buildings identified in Q1, please name ones that have been fitted with cladding containing plastic of any sort.
This request should not be time-consuming or costly to compile, because the Government will have already asked you for it.
By social housing, I mean accommodation that is either owned or managed by the council, or accommodation in which council tenants are housed.
Hastings Borough Council do not own or manage accommodation as a council, therefore, we do not have council tenants in social housing and do not hold a list of social housing properties that are more than 4 floors high, however we are aware of the following social housing buildings (owned and managed by Optivo) which are more than 4 floors high:
Four Courts which comprises of:
Bevin Court, Stonehouse Drive
Kennedy Court, Stonehouse Drive
Churchill Court, Stonehouse Drive
Roosevelt Court, Stonehouse DriveFor further information please contact Optivo direct: https://www.optivo.org.uk/
Freedom of Information
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