FOI request (FOI216787)
Staff Names/Fleet
Requested Thu 22 June 2017
Responded Thu 22 June 20171. Please provide full name, contact phone number and e-mail address for the following individuals within your Council:
a. Financial Director
b. Fleet Manager
c. Sustainability Manager
d. Climate Change Manger
e. Energy Manager
g. In the event that c-e above are the same person, then the details of that person only are fine. Most similar title(s) to the roles describes above is also fine.
2. a. How many grey fleet (personal cars used for Council business) do you pay mileage claims for? (most recent years data please).
b. How many electric vehicles do you have on your fleet? (most recent years data please).
3. a. What is the Councils carbon reduction target and by when is it to be achieved?
b. What carbon reduction has the Council made to date (most recent year’s data)?
c. What is the year that this figure/percentage represents?
d. What is the baseline year that this is based upon?
Q1a - Financial Director - Peter Grace (Assistant Director Financial Services)
Q1b - Fleet Manager - Verna Connolly (Executive Manager of People, Customer and Business Support)
Q1c - Sustainability Manager - Jane Hartnell (Director of Corporate Services and Governance)
Q1d - Climate Change Manager - same as Q1b
Q1e - Energy Manager - Andrew Palmer (Assistant Director Homes and Built Environment)
Q2a - 31
Q2b - none
Q3a - none currently set
Q3b - 2014/15
Q3c - 25% reduction
Q3d - 2008/09 baseline
Freedom of Information
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