FOI request (FOI214615)
Allotment Contract consultation
Requested Fri 19 May 2017
Responded Fri 19 May 2017Council spokesman Kevin Boorman said in the Hastings Observer this week: “In 2011 Hastings Borough Council consulted on a new tenancy agreement for all allotment holders."
Kindly provide all the correspondence and notes generated by this consultation, including meeting notes and public contributions.
Read more at: http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/news/your-say/which-actions-merit-eviction-1-7955938
This information is held
Please find attached a consultation letter dated 12th January 2012 relating to the Tenancy Agreement and Rules, this letter went out to all plot holders. Also attached is a table of collated responses to the consultation and Site Secretaries Minutes dated 23/2/12 which states that the New Tenancy Agreement and Allotment rules would go to Cabinet in March 2012.
Freedom of Information
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