FOI request (FOI213888)
ERDF and ESF funding
Requested Mon 15 May 2017
Responded Mon 15 May 2017I am interested to find out about plans for projects run by the council/local authority which were planned to be funded by the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund.
I would like to find details of any plans or applications for funds from the ERDF and ESF, their status as at 23 June 2016 and outcomes since.
For this, please could you provide me with:
1. Details of any applications for projects under either fund which were in planning or application stage as at 23 June 20116. Including details of:- specific projects with their planned postcodes or coordinates.
- Was it a new project or the continuation of an existing project?
- How much money was requested from the fund?
- What percentage of the total required funding was to be from ERDF or ESF funding?
- if possible the Priority Axis the project falls under
2. Details of any plans/ applications which have been a. rejected, b. delayed since 23 June 2016
specific projects with their planned postcodes or coordinates.
- Was it a new project or the continuation of an existing project?
- How much money was requested from the fund?
- What percentage of the total required funding was to be from ERDF or ESF funding?
- if possible the Priority Axis the project falls under
Any drafts budgets/ plans for where alternative funding for these projects will come from
This information is held
Please see attached document
Freedom of Information
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