FOI request (FOI211412)
Housing List
Requested Wed 05 April 2017
Responded Wed 05 April 2017I would like to know the breakdown of your authority's social housing waiting list, by the bed need of its households.
For example, if you have 4,000 households on your housing list, the format of response I am looking for is
- 500 households requiring a one bed home
- 1,500 households requiring a two bed home
- 1,000 households requiring a three bed home
- 1,000 households requiring a four bed home or larger.
If you do not keep data on the appropriate number of bedrooms for the households on your housing lists, and for some reason cannot calculate or obtain this data, a breakdown by number of people in the household will suffice. For example:
- 300 one person households
- 600 two person households
- 800 three person households
- 800 four person households
- 700 five person households
- 500 six person households
- 300 seven person households.
If you do not keep a housing list, or this question is inapplicable to you for another reason, please let me know.
This information is held
As at 31/03/2017 - Number of Households on the Housing Register by number of required bedrooms
Studio = 4
1 bed = 548
2 bed = 492
3 bed = 183
4 bed = 88
5 bed = 23
6 bed = 1
Freedom of Information
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