FOI request (FOI211273)
Business Rates
Requested Tue 25 April 2017
Responded Tue 25 April 2017Could you please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in an excel format:
- A complete list of all commercial properties within your council including:
- Complete with full address & postcode
- Business Name / Occupier Name
- Valuation Office Agency reference number
- Valuation Office Agency property description
- 2010 Rateable Value
Are the occupants in receipt of any
reliefs in this current (2010) rating list?
- If yes, please list the reliefs
- 2017 Rateable Value
Are the occupants still in receipt
of the same reliefs in the 2017 rating list?
- If yes, please list the reliefs
This information is held
Please see attached documents
Freedom of Information
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