FOI request (FOI210900)
Convent of the Holy Child of Jesus
Requested Mon 15 May 2017
Responded Mon 15 May 2017Dear HBC: your Draft Heritage Strategy (Drury McPherson Partnership, March 2017) mentions in its bibliography on page 57:
Convent of the Holy Child of Jesus: Statement of Significance, Anon. 2014
Under FOI or otherwise, is it possible to have a copy of this please?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, please refer to my email dated 3 May 2017
Hastings Borough Council does not hold the information requested.
Please contact: Drury McPherson Partnership who worked on the draft Heritage Strategy.
23 Spencer Road, Twickenham, TW2 5TZ, Tel: 020 8894 6247
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