FOI request (FOI209291)
Planning Permission
Requested Thu 09 March 2017
Responded Thu 09 March 2017I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. How many planning permissions within the 18 conservations areas in Hastings and St Leonards have been granted which involved structures over the 2 metre rule since 2008.
Conservation Areas - hastings.gov.uk
2. Details of the all the planning permissions identified in item 1 above, also indicating number of permissions and number of refusals
3. How many planning permissions within the 18 conservation areas in Hastings and St Leonards that have breached the 2 metre rules since 2008.
4. How many enforcement notices have been served by Hastings Borough Council's Planning enforcement on planning permissions identified in item 3 above.
5. Details of the all the planning permissions identified in item 4 above.
There is no 2 metre rule therefore we are unable to answer this request.
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