FOI request (FOI204957)
Cite and quote legislation, regulation, or protocol.
Requested Wed 01 February 2017
Responded Wed 01 February 2017Urgent FOI Request: Please cite and quote the legislation, regulation, or protocol, the Council relies on that blocks or prevents removal from the Council's public access planning website of all false [libellous] plans of Olive Lodge actual [agreed and surveyed] West boundary alignment*.
*Compare 2015 Ordnance Survey base-plan with Detail from HS/OA/15/00751, Site Location Plan-386954; Site Layout-386952; Block Plan-386951; etc.; all falsely purporting Olive Lodge West boundary relocated 6 meters East of actual/agreed boundary alignment to falsely purport a salient-access from Stone Court to Gillsmans Hill across our Olive Lodge land.
This information is held
Part 9 Article 40 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Procedure) (England) Order 2015 refers to our obligation to maintain a register which must include a copy of the plans and drawings submitted in relation to an application. (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/595/pdfs/uksi_20150595_en.pdf) . For all applications since 2003 we have held the application documents electronically.
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