FOI request (FOI-99415895)
Maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors
Requested Wed 12 December 2018
Responded Fri 22 February 2019I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information concerning your councillors:
1. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors? If yes, please provide a copy.
2. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors?
3. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance? If yes, please provide a copy
4. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance?
5. Does the council have a formal standards committee?
6. Does the council have a formal role to oversee member conduct and promote equality (e.g. chair of the standards committee, chief whip, etc)?
7. Does the council’s code of conduct under section 27(2) of the Localism Act 2011 make any reference to promoting equality or tackling sexism?
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding, we have installed a new Freedom of Information system and have experienced a few problems.
Please find attached our report from our Independent Remuneration Panel. This panel is made up external panel members who may recommendation about the rates of pay to Councillors but also claims for childcare and dependent care costs. Information about this is contained in this report. Attached is the legislation we shows the costs we must cover for our Councillors. This is publically available from the governments website.
We cover childcare and dependent care costs as per the legislation. The report from the Independent Remuneration Panel recommendations cover the legislation. The Independent Remuneration Panel report document is publically available and was part of the agenda report packs for Cabinet meeting held on 4th December 2018 and Full Council held on 19th December 2018. The recommendations were agreed by Full Council on 19th December 2018.
We have a Standards Committee which has a chair. We have two political parties (Labour and Conservative) which have appointed people to look after there members conduct including roles such as Whip. We have a Portfolio holder who looks after Equality.
All Councillors are bound by a code of conduct which includes a commitment to equality issues
Freedom of Information
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