FOI request (FOI-98055942)
Lone worker Information
Requested Sun 02 December 2018
Responded Fri 25 January 2019I am writing to request information under the freedom of information Act 2000. In order to make this as quick and painless as possible for your department, I have been very specific in my request regarding lone worker solutions that you may have procured. Please can you provide me with answers to the following:
· How many lone workers does your organisation have?
· How many lone worker devices were purchased as part of your existing provision?
Do you have an existing contract in place?
If No:
· Who is responsible for health, safety and risk management of your staff?
If Yes:
· What was the actual value of the contract awarded?
· When was it awarded?
· How long is the contract?
· Who is the incumbent supplier?
· Who were the other unsuccessful bidders?
· Is there a potential extension applicable to this existing contract?
· Are you applying that extension?
· Who will be responsible for writing the specification?
Hastings Borough Council have 8 lone workers who patrol the town during their working week, we also have a number of members of staff who lone work from time to time when undertaking site visits or attending exhibitions.
We do not use a specific lone worker device other than a company mobile phone along with GPRS radios for the 8 lone workers as mentioned above.
Health and Safety is the responsibility of the service manager for that area.
Freedom of Information
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