FOI request (FOI-94125659)
GIS Data
Requested Fri 02 November 2018
Responded Wed 07 November 2018This is a Freedom of Information request for the GIS shapefiles mapping information that define the local wildlife sites within the borough including Hastings Country Park Local Nature Reserve.
Our Local Wildlife Dataset is available via data.gov.uk (https://data.gov.uk/dataset/6d448e6f-949e-4adc-83b0-c4a36c16419a/local-wildlife-sites). This will include the local wildlife site known as Hastings Country Park.
The request also mentions Hastings Country Park Local Nature Reserve. If the Local Nature Reserve data is also required then this is available from Natural England. (https://data.gov.uk/dataset/acdf4a9e-a115-41fb-bbe9-603c819aa7f7/local-nature-reserves-england)
Freedom of Information
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