FOI request (FOI-93263689)
Invoice Payments
Requested Fri 26 October 2018
Responded Thu 01 November 2018I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Accounts Payable department:
Invoice payment data for all supplier invoices paid from April 1 2015 – September 30 2018 to include the following:
Invoice number (your system reference)
Supplier invoice number
Supplier number (your system reference)
Supplier name
Supplier address (or postcode or postal town)
Invoice date (date on invoice)
Date invoice was paid
Invoice net value
Invoice VAT value
Invoice gross value
Please provide the information in electronic form in a CSV or TXT file, alternatively an excel format would be acceptable. The columns can be in any order providing they are headed / titled accordingly.
Can you send the file as a mail attachment to the address listed below.
This information should be readily available from your finance systems but if there are any difficulties in producing or sending the data, eg file size, please advise and I will provide any assistance necessary.
This information is available on our website via the following link:
Freedom of Information
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