FOI request (FOI-92876394)
Planning Application: Land at the r/o 419-447 Bexhill Road: HS/OA/17/010171
Requested Tue 23 October 2018
Responded Fri 09 November 2018I should like to make a Freedom of Information request in respect of a recently withdrawn Planning Application made in respect of Borough Council owned land at the rear of 419-447 Bexhill Road. The planning application reference is HS/OA/17/010171.
Please can you provide me with details of the amount that it has cost the Council in terms of planning fees and consultants' and their sub-contractors' fees to carry out pre-application enquiries and to prepare, submit and progress the application? I do not require information about HBC staff time or costs.
Please see below list of payments in relation to land at the rear of 419-447 Bexhill Road.Please note that the figures are not conclusive as our Finance system has changed and the location on some entries have not been identified.Planning application fee - £3,080Kember Loudon Williams £2,470John Whiting £7,020Monson Engineering £600The Ash Partnership £2,473.13Ashdown Site Investigation £1,000 -
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