FOI request (FOI-85138584)
Electoral Fraud
Requested Fri 17 August 2018
Responded Tue 21 August 2018Please accept this corrected and amended version of FOIA request 19. I am writing to make an open
government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, and otherwise.
Please send to me all records of information on United Kingdom general elections, United Kingdom
local elections, United Kingdom mayoral elections, and United Kingdom referenda which allege
electoral fraud (the staging of a desired election outcome), or referendum fraud (the staging of a
desired referendum outcome), was legalised, or found to be legal and constitutionally permissible,
and committed at any of the elections and referenda listed below.
Elections and referenda:
1. The May 5th, 2016, United Kingdom local elections and London mayoral election.
2. The June 23rd, 2016, United Kingdom European Union membership referendum.
3. The May 4th, 2017, United Kingdom local elections.
4. The June 8th, 2017, United Kingdom general election.
5. The May 3rd, 2018, United Kingdom local elections and mayoral elections.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in respect of this request.
Freedom of Information
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