FOI request (FOI-83481884)
Child Social Care Information
Requested Wed 01 August 2018
Responded Fri 10 August 2018Dear FOI team
Thank you in anticipation of your assistance in providing information as requested below. I have searched publications on the Trust website and looked elsewhere for answers, but have not been able to find this information.
The most likely source for accurate answers will be the Adult & Child Social Services teams, or, if you have a liaison team between health and care, they might be able to provide the answers.
We are seeking answers to the following, which we have split into three sections.
In respect of each answer will you please provide the e-mail contact information/job title for the relevant person within your organisation?
1 Empowering staff working in care homes
- What plans do you have in place to assist staff in care homes so that they can access relevant health and care records and therefore be able to provide better care without needing to resort to hospital admissions?
- What are the current / proposed mechanisms for ensuring effective and efficient transfers of care between NHS and Social Services?
- What are the current plans for implementing these proposed mechanisms?
- Have the required resources been agreed?
2 Barriers to integration of health and social care records
- How do your staff currently access records from organisation outside of their employer?
- What are the current / proposed plans to address the current barriers to sharing records?
- Have you a timeframe for going to market or producing an ITT?
- If so when?
3 The new Child Health Information System
- At what stage are you currently in the implementation of this solution?
- If you have not already commenced, are you going to incorporate education systems into the overall record to achieve a comprehensive view of the child’s needs?
Thank you for your kind attention.
Information not heldThis area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Social Services, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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