FOI request (FOI-80411865)
Deed of Wall
Requested Tue 03 July 2018
Responded Fri 20 July 2018I expected to receive documents in relation to this abstract of title or title in regard conveyance of land to or from Joseph Wall or Thomas Wall or John Collier dated circa 17th Day of Dec 1747.
it is incumbent on you to provide these documents in regard to the titles HT19042 , 13th August 1962, which council held under HT19042 under the registered historical title occupiers name of HASTINGS BOROUGH COUNCIL of the Town Hall in Hastings East Sussex in 13 August 1962, which land you sold under freehold title ESX268862 to Homes and Communities 10th October 2011 as part of an working agreement finalised 19th March 2013 in respect to land at Church Street which forms part of the Speckled Wood Estate.
You should note you have noted you do not hold and documents in relation to a GVO 3rd October 1984 which you stated you do not hold https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my-council/freedom-of-information/date/?id=FOI-78374246
You should note that this land is currently under planning your reference GR60001V / CL45000X and public reference HS/FA/18/00110 which is part of a contract called Memorandum of Understanding dated 19th March 2013 given to Mr. Newbold under FOI75639282 22nd May 2018. Clearly as you have promised Homes and Communities in 2013 to bring this matter to planning. You must then hold these documents kindly provide them otherwise I shall be left to understand these papers to hold have been altered.
As you can understand this is a very serious matter.
Hastings Borough Council holds no information in respect of this request.
Freedom of Information
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