FOI request (FOI-78375377)
Museums and Art Galleries
Requested Mon 11 June 2018
Responded Thu 28 June 2018I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Authority.
1 - How much money has been received to fund city museums and art galleries from the government over for each year since 2010. Also, If possible, details of any private funding for city museums for these years.
2 - How much money your Authority has spent on museums and art galleries each year since 2010 if the money provided and the money spent is different and where possible a note explaining the difference.
Q1 - Hastings Museum and Art Gallery doesn't receive any funding directly from Government, just via Hastings Borough Council. There is a small amount of private funding from the Museum Association, who fundraise for the museum, at a level of about £5000 per year.
Q2 - Hastings Borough Council's annual budget for the Museum is approximately £400,000. Full details can be found in the Council's budgets on the website: https://www.hastings.gov.uk/my_council/transparency/budgets/
Freedom of Information
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