FOI request (FOI-76486015)
Requested Thu 24 May 2018
Responded Thu 28 June 2018I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me with the following information:
1. What number, and value, of procurement contracts and/or tenders with a value of over £10,000 have been issued by the council, but not listed on the Contracts Finder website, in a) current financial year b) each financial year since 2015/16?
2. What, if any, standing orders does the council have in relation to when a procurement contract and/or tender must be published on the Contracts Finder website, including any specified minimum contract value, setting out the method by which the contract is issued i.e. single quotation, three quotations or tender.
3. Any internal guidelines, documents or policies relating to when procurement contracts and/or tenders should or should not be published on the Contracts Finder website
Q1 - Hastings Borough Council is a member of the East Sussex Procurement Hub which administers our main contracts. They post contract awards >£25,000 on Contracts Finder and all open tenders are advertised on Contracts Finder irrespective of value, in other words, all tenders >£50,000 and some that are below threshold.
Q2 - Hastings Borough Council's Financial Operating Procedures are currently under review and in a draft stage. Under the current instructions, the procedures state that for purchases up to £20,000 there must be evidence of “Best Value” which in practical terms usually means obtaining 3 quotations. For purchases between £20,000 - £50,000 the purchase needs to be handled as a controlled quotation. Any contract >£50,000 goes out to public notice.
Q3 - As per answer to (2) above, the Finance Operating Procedures are currently being reviewed and are in a draft stage. The understanding is that the East Sussex Procurement Hub posts contracts that have been awarded that are in excess of £25,000. We have never before and no intention now to draft advice for when contracts >£25,000 should not be published on the Contracts Finder website.
Freedom of Information
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